hristians are called to be salt and light in the world. They are to be examples of Christ's character in the marketplace and on the job. How can a Christian employee witness effectively to coworkers? The following articles from our archives will give you some creative ideas and insights.
Salt and Light in the Workplace
Christians should be the best employees in a secular organization.
What if Jesus Were CEO
Truth, honesty, service . . . can they really part of our reality?
Slaying Your Golden Calf
An excerpt from Faith at Work: Overcoming the Obstacles to Being Live Christians in the Workplace.
What can Adventist business people bring to the job?
Witnessing Without Words
How should Christians handle difficult coworkers?
Gutting Gossip
How to kill the poison grapevine at work.
There Is a Doctor in the House
This Adventist physician helps to shape the future of American health care.
Conquering Lust on the Job
Jeff Wright and Mick Bates offer salient advice for keeping workplace relationships in balance.