he story of Paul’s life is the framework for exploring the development of the church and an understanding of the gospel in this set of 20 study guides. They can be used in a small group, class, or seminar, as well as for individual study. Tony Moore--an experienced Adventist evangelist and pastor--has filmed a set of 20 videos on location at archaeological sites in the cities in which Paul planted the first Christian churches. He makes the presentations as he walks through the colorful countryside and ancient cities of the Mediterranean pointing out the specific sights, sounds, and smells that make up the context of the New Testament.
Each video presentation is about a half hour in length, and the full-color study guides include space to take notes as well as discussion questions and personal applications. There is also a Leader’s Manual with additional material for the instructor or group leader.
This is an excellent tool for in-depth Bible study that helps the participant to understand the geography and chronology shared by the various New Testament books, as well as discover the spiritual principles that matured the Jesus movement from a small sect within Judaism to the cross-cultural Christian faith. Of course, these principles--embedded in a specific history--are still foundational to a rich, strong dedication to following Jesus.
This series can easily be shared with believers of all Christian denominations, as well as interested non-Christians and secular people. It is particularly well-suited for educated adults, and could be very useful for a group that wants to go and could be very useful for a group that wants to go beyond the usual doctrinal Bible studies.
You can order the 3-DVD set, the study guides, and the Leader’s Manual online at www.biblicalworld.org.
Prayer Works
This is a study guide on the basics of prayer designed for small group or personal study written by Kurt Johnson, director of the Voice of Prophecy Bible School and veteran creator of relational and inductive Bible study materials. It has material for 13 sessions, including topics such as: What is prayer? How do you establish a vibrant prayer life? Why does it seem that God does not answer my prayers? How to develop and maintain a prayer life, etc.
Copies are available for $5 each from the Voice of Prophecy Bible School at (877) 955-2525.
Coaching 101: Discover the Power of Coaching
This is something “off the top shelf” for more mature Christians who have leadership responsibilities in the church, or find themselves mentoring younger, more recent members. This is a concise, practical book on a topic that you have probably heard about at work, which can also be used effectively for spiritual growth. It speaks to the coach, not the person being coached, and includes assignments at the end of each chapter for those who want to learn and grow.
A five-part routine for helping others grow is taught step-by-step--relate, reflect, refocus, resource, and review. Remember, there are no unimportant, nonspiritual, “just business” activities at church or among people who share in a journey of faith. Every time you relate to a deacon who isn’t wearing a tie on Sabbath or giggling 13-year-old girls who drop paper towels on the floor in the restroom, you also represent Christ and His church. If you care about the church, you had better learn to be an effective coach!
The authors are not members of the Adventist Church, but dedicated Christians in the Evangelical tradition. Robert Logan was a pastor and church planter for years, and is now involved in a training ministry. He has been a speaker on several occasions at the SEEDS conferences at Andrews University organized by the North American Division Evangelism Institute. Sherilyn Carlton is an experienced life and leadership coach as well as a mom and pastor’s wife.
You can get this book at many Christian bookstores and some Adventist Book Centers, as well as directly from ChurchSmart Resources at (800) 253-4276.
Monte Sahlin is vice president for creative ministries at the Columbia Union Conference in Columbia, Maryland.