ne of the key events of the last week of Christ's life was the last supper with His disciples. From that event, Christians celebrate the communion service. As believers around the world celebrate the events of Christ's passion, the Adventist Review presents several articles from our archives on communion and the ordinance of humility for your inspiration. -- Editors Union in Communion How one special, family-type service changed Ellsworth Wellman's opinion of the communion service. (Printed in the July 17, 2003 issue of the Adventist Review.)
James Dittes shares insights on making the communion service more memorable. (Printed in the July 17, 2003 issue of the Adventist Review.)
"This is My Body"
What really happens at Communion? (Printed in March 15, 2007 issue of the Adventist Review.) What really is the significance of the practice of foot washing? Is it merely a lingering trace of a past culture? (Printed in the July 17, 2003, issue of the Adventist Review.)
In this exercise we come closer to one another and to Him. (From the 2004 Week of Prayer readings.)
Ask any deacon. It's a well-known fact that on communion Sabbath perhaps only about half the regular
members of most congregations show up. (Printed in the October 19, 2000, issue of the Adventist Review.)