December 16, 2009

Christmas With a Purpose

1550 christmaspurpose capmid the hype and the hubbub, the shopping and decorating, the cooking and partying, has contemporary society lost the true meaning Christmas? Do we still appreciate the classic story that changed the course of the world forever? What is the real purpose of Christmas? This week the Adventist Review presents a collection of articles from our archives that points us to the true reason for the season.

The Man Who Hated Christmas
A timeless story about the true meaning of the holiday

The Mess of Christmas

God signs His name in the midst of messiness.

Heaven Built on a Manger
From that humble place 2,000 years ago, rivers of joy have flowed out to the whole creation.

Let Earth Believe Her King
Author Byard Parks explores the true meaning of Advent.

He Plugged Himself into Our Mess
The Incarnation touches us where we live, where we hurt.

All God Wants for Christmas
The whole universe will be watching to see if He gets it.

Gold, Yes. But Frankincense and Myrrh?
Do the gifts of the wise men hold a deeper meaning beyond their material value?

'Tis Blessed to Receive
There's more to Christmas than giving gifts.

The "Grinches" Who Would Steal Back Christmas
Are we spending more and enjoying the holidays less?

The Miracle and the Mystery
A meditation on the wonder of Jesus.

The Child and the Manger
Angel Rodriguez reflects on an old story.

The Joy of Christmas
Abel Moriango Bwana has learned a lot from little children, and he's eager to share it.

A Holiday Reminder
Don't forget this season to tap into the real spirit of the season and make a difference.
