s millions of people across North America and the world celebrate Thanksgiving, the Adventist Review Online brings you helpful resources from the world wide web to make this holiday weekend a more joyous and memorable experience for your family, co-workers, and congregation.
The Spirit of Praise
Let's remember our spiritual as well as our material blessings.
The Fruit of Thanksgiving
Ellen White admonishes us that we "should ever remember that thanksgiving is the fruit of true, willing obedience."
The Thanksgiving of the Anonymous
Richard Osborn asks, "Does everyone know what you do? Should they?"
The History of Thanksgiving
Ever wonder what the pilgrims and their Native American guests really ate at their first Thanksgiving feast? The truth may surprise you.
The Loaf in Your Hand
A meditation on hunger and responsibility.
To Share Your Food With the Hungry
We don't realize how much we have until we help those with less.
Raising Thankful Kids
Lettie Kirkpatrick offers 13 creative ways to encourage gratefulness during Thankgiving.
Giving Thanks to God
Dr. Morris Chapman asks this important question, "What do you think about when you hear the word Thanksgiving?"
The Holidays: Memorial or Painful?
Why is it some times hard to be thankful this side of heaven?
The Uninvited Guest
Mary Mullins' divine adventure began with a simple knock on the door.
The First Thanksgiving
A collection of online resources to teach children about the first Thanksgiving day.