ason MacLafferty is a happy young man. He feels important. He?s sure his church really cares about him.
How does he know it? Because every week he receives a copy of the Adventist Review in the mail.
Last year when his first Review arrived, he was ?surprised and shocked,? says his dad, Pastor Don MacLafferty. ?His response was: ?Wow! The Seventh-day Adventist Church sent me my own Review--and I?m just a kid!??
Jason, newly baptized, receives the Review because of the New Believer?s Plan, which provides the weekly Review without charge to new members for one year. And you, dear friend, make that plan possible.
Several entities work together in the New Believer?s Plan. The Review and Herald offers a special cut-rate price of $25. The conference puts in $10. The remaining $15 comes from people like you, who generously support it by donations. Some seven years ago we started the New Believer?s Plan on the shoestring of faith. It?s a simple basic plan, and it has been such a blessing--to giver and receiver alike--that we just have to keep it rolling.
Every year around this time I write an editorial on this topic. Every year Noelene and I pledge $1,000 now, with another $1,000 to come in the spring. And every year I invite readers--as I invite you now--to join us, doing whatever you can to help.
A lot of people love the Review and what it stands for. Like a sister in California who ordered 45 subscriptions for her church last May.
And like those who just can?t hold back from letting us know:
?I love the Adventist Review. It is a challenge for me to refrain from writing weekly regarding articles that are of great interest and blessing to me? (Velma Beavon, Montana).
?Thank you for the Adventist Review, which brightens my day? (Bonnie Malstead, Nebraska).
?An eloquent writer I am not . . . , but I want to express my thanks and appreciation to everyone--from the editor to the contributors to the receptionists to the treasurers to the custodians to the illustrators to the printers! . . .
?Over the years you have brought change and sought to meet the needs. You?ve done it well! Recently you began KidsView. I love it! It?s great! Should I ever be blessed with grandchildren, I will introduce them to KidsView? (Linda Steinke, Alberta).
Sometimes the letters are more than thanks. They move me deeply as I see evidence of God working through the pages of the Adventist Review:
?My wife received the January North American Division Edition of the Adventist Review in the mail, and I took it with me when I went out for coffee. I read the whole thing. This edition inspired me to return to the Lord after being away for a long time. Thank you for publishing this magazine? (Curtis Negret, Nebraska).
?Years ago I was driving my mother down the coast of California when we kept seeing signs that the city of San Jose was ahead. Mom spoke up and said, ?You know, I have a cousin in San Jose that I haven?t seen in years.? I asked if she had the address. She replied that she did, but it was a very old one. We went to that address, and the now widowed cousin still lived there. After they had talked for a while Mom asked, ?Your husband was never an Adventist, was he?? Her cousin replied, ?Oh, yes! It took 20 years, but, you know, the only reading material I ever permitted in the bathroom was the Review and the Signs?? (Marjorie Punches von Pohle, California).
?I am not a Christian. My wife is, however, of the Adventist persuasion, so I have access to the Adventist Review. I wish to compliment you on the fine publication that is the Adventist Review. . . . [Refers to specific articles.] Had I discovered thinkers and Christians such as these in my childhood, I certainly would have been more favorably disposed toward the Christian model? (Bryan McNutt, Oregon).
Dear reader, please pray for the ministry of the Adventist Review. As you are able, join us in funding the New Believer?s Plan. Also KidsView--that also relies on donations. A return envelope is stitched in the center of this issue.
Thank you, thank you for your love and kindness. My cup overflows with blessings.
And best of all, Jason is a happy young man.
William G. Johnsson is editor of the Adventist Review.