November 18, 2005

A Time for Prayer

Here are some of the many prayer conferences being held throughout the North American Division in 2005 and 2006. Several other unions and conferences not listed here are also planning prayer conferences, but their plans have not yet been finalized. Contact your local conference or union prayer ministries coordinator for more information about prayer conferences being held in your area.


COMPILED BY RUTHIE JACOBSEN, prayer coordinator of the North American Division

Canadian Union

Where:Canadian University College, Lacombe, Alberta
When:April 14-16, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Evangeline Medavarapu at [email protected]

British Columbia
Where:Camp Hope, Hope, British Columbia
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Betty Lang at 604-853-5451

Where:Agape Temple Adventist Church, Pickering, Ontario
When:December 2, 3, 2005
Speaker(s):Stanley Ponniah, senior accountant and prayer ministries coordinator of the General Conference; and others
Contact:Eustase Williams at 905-571-1022, ext. 108

Columbia Union

Where:Kettering Adventist Church, Kettering, Ohio
When:November 18-20, 2005
Purpose/Theme:To Prepare Spiritually for the End time
Speaker(s):Ron Halvorsen, a retired evangelist; David VanDenburgh, senior pastor of the Kettering church; Neville Harcombe, president of the Chesapeake Conference; Mark Pietrowski, pastor of the Valdosta, Georgia, Adventist Church; Ruthie Jacobsen, prayer coordinator of the North American Division
Special Feature:“Especially for Teens” with speakers Diane Halvorsen, youth pastor of the Apopka, Florida, Adventist Church; and Gary Burns, communication director of the Lake Union Conference
Contact:Hazel Burns at 937-298-2167

Minneapolis/St. Paul
Where:Exact location yet to be determined
When:September 8–October 7, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism Training Event
Speaker(s):Mark Finley, vice president for global evangelism of the General Conference; and his wife, Ernestine
Contact:Lynn Ripley at 763-424-8923

Pacific Union 

Where:Camp Leoni Meadows, Grizzly Flats, California
When:March 10-12, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Footprints of Jesus
Speaker(s):Tony Moore, speaker/director of The Biblical World
Special Features:Teen prayer seminar led by Gary Burns, communication director of the Lake Union Conference Children’s programs for ages 4-12
Contact:Naomi Parson at 916-721-1586 or e-mail [email protected]

Where:Southern California Conference “A Weekend of Prayer” Rolling Hills SDA Church, Rolling Hills, California
When:September 2 & 30, 2006
Speaker:Richard O’Ffill
Contact:Janet Lui 310-792-0678 or [email protected]

Where:Hawaii Conference “Catch Your Breath”--Teens Pray, Camp Waianae, Oahu
When:January 27-29, 2006
Speakers:Teens from the Hawaii Conference
Contact:Michele Siebel 808-259-3441

Where:Camp Waianae
When:January 13-16, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Teen Prayer Conference 2006
Speaker(s):Michele Seibel, prayer coordinator of the Hawaii Conference; and teens
Contact:Michele Seibel at 808-259-3441

Southern Union

Where:Camp Alamisco, Dadeville, Alabama
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Cindy DeWild at 601-899-8805; Roy Rugless at 256-216-1101

Where:Camp Kulaqua, High Springs, Florida
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Mike Cauley at 407-644-5000

Where:Southeastern Conference Leadership & Prayer Conference Lake Mary Marriott Hotel, Orlando, Florida
When:January 27-29, 2006
Speakers:Ruthie Jacobsen, et. al.
Contact:Nicole Brise 407-869-5264

Where:Cohutta Springs Conference Center, Crandall, Georgia
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Stan Patterson at 706-629-7951; Pennie Archie at 404-792-0535

South Carolina
Where:Nosoca Pines Ranch, Liberty Hill, South Carolina
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Debbie Rapp at 704-596-2200; John Sweigart at 704-596-2200; Pennie Archie at 404-792-0535

Where:Indian Creek Camp, Liberty, Tennessee
When:March 31–April 2, 2006
Purpose/Theme:Prayer and Evangelism
Speaker(s):Not finalized
Contact:Gail McKenzie at 615-859-1391; Roy Rugless at 256-216-1101
