To all who follow the Adventist Review and in thanks.
ear Friends:
The Adventist Review online edition started six years ago. Under the tutelage and hard work of Carlos Medley, it has gone from strength to strength, now reaching out to people in more than 130 countries. I praise the Lord for this dynamic vehicle of communication which continues to grow and improve, adding new features.
Up to now, the Adventist Review online has been made available without charge to all to who wish to access it. The Adventist Review Publishing Board recently considered the operation of the Adventist Review online and voted the following change:
1. Adventist Review online will continue to be provided free to subscribers of the printed Adventist Review.
2. Adventist Review online will continue to be available without charge to anyone outside North America. We are still working on solving the technical problems involved in this arrangement.
3. Within North America, those who do not subscribe to the printed Adventist Review will be charged a subscription price of $12.95. This will give them access to the full Adventist Review online, plus additional features unique to the website.
The decision taken by the Board was driven by financial considerations. The Adventist Review is a subscriber-based magazine: it depends on the revenue generated by subscriptions to continue to operate. Some evidence indicated that because the online Adventist Review was ?free?, we were losing subscribers and thereby putting the operation of the Adventist Review at risk.
This change corresponds with actions taken by other magazines and newspapers. All publications of note have developed websites, but many have found it necessary to levy a fee for accessing the material that is put into print.
Thank you for your interest in, and support of, the Adventist Review--whether in print or online. I value you! Feel free to contact me or Carlos Medley for further information. And do keep us in your prayers as we seek to conduct this world ministry to the glory of our God and building up His people.
William G. Johnsson
Editor, Adventist Review